
Comments (13)

What do you think?

Very Nice super indico

this is gonna be epic! i came here from your scratch game, Mage's Tournament. When will this be done, do you think?

well there is a very big problem, when i move the character wil invisible and the skill won't load but the goblin still can wall

how do u level up or save or get money

im 1580aydemar from scratch faxfoxx

Come and represent your sign and show what those born under it are capable of!

This game is a moba involving a lot of magic, astrology and a little mythology. Immerse yourself in this world where magic prevails and distinguishes who will emerge victorious. Choose your sign, set up your birth chart and go out to fight with your friends. Each combination of different signs give you a set of spells. Each type of magic was designed to combine and fit with the characteristics and history of the sign.

Here are the instructions for the game. They are also in the game under the "instructions" tab.


#multiplayer #moba #zodiac #magic #online

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence

♓PISCES: demonstration of how pisces abyssal vortex works. (sorry about the lag. It is caused by the screen recording program)

#moba #wizard #zodiac #pisces #magic #spell #dark #gamedev

The first 4 complete and playable signs of the game.

#wizard #magic #zodiac #signs #pisces #cancer #aquarius #leo #moba #gamedev

♋ CANCER: A potent sand explosion will surely show your enemies who rules.

#magic #moba #gamedev #cancer #zodiac #spell #sand

♓ PISCES: A powerful vortex spell awaits you to master the battlefield!

#moba #magic #zodiac #pisces #gamedev #wizard

Magic staffs created especially for each sign

#moba #zodiac #magic #staff #signs #gamedev #3Dart

Devastating master spells!

#gamedev #magic #zodiac #moba

Earn Skill Points as you level up to unlock new spells.

#gamedev #magic #zodiac #moba

Tall grass to hide from enemies.

#gamedev #magic #zodiac #moba

Goblins as mobs to level up.

#gamedev #magic #zodiac #moba